Time Speaker Clock

. Windows8.1 New UI free software. Latest version : V1.2.0.0

. Time Speaker Clock announce time by voice and sound.


. Please go to "Windows Store"

How to use

Switching display with slideshow and analog clock

  1. The display is switchable with slideshow and analog clock by using the application bar.


  1. When you open a folder that contains photos by pressing "open folder" button in the application bar, photos in the folder will be displayed as slideshow.
  2. You can switch play or pause, and designate interval with "Slideshow" in The application bar.

Tense 12 or 24

  1. You can select tense 12 or 24 with "Settings" in the charm.

Voice(announce time) and sound(time signal)

  1. You can select existence of voice and sound ,and set interval with "Settings" in the charm.
  2. When you double-tap the screen, time will be announced. and existence is selectable with "Settings" in the charm.
  3. If "Silent time span" is checked in "Settings" of the charm, sound and voice will not be output though sound and voice is set to exist.
  4. if "Mute" toggle switch in the application bar is "ON",sound and voice will not be output always. It is for temporary suspension.

. V1.2.0 - Release 4 (12 Apr 2014)

. V1.1.0 - Release 3 ( 4 Mar 2014)

. V1.0.1 - Release 2 ( 6 Jan 2014)

. V1.0.0 - Release 1 (29 Dec 2013)