PodR †
. Free Windows10 store application. Latest version : V4.0.0.0
. PodR is Podcasts receiver and player.
. Please go to "Windows Store"
How to use †
Main Screen
- Favorites
- If you tap the tile on Favorites area , navigate to Favorites Play screen.
- The Favorites registration is possible on Channel Play screen.
- If you want to delete channel from the Favorites, Press and hold the tile, and do the "Delete".
- Each Genre
- If you tap the tile on each genre area , navigate to Channel Play screen.
- If you tap the title of each genre area , navigate to All in Genre screen.
- Refresh
- If you tap the "Refresh" button on top AppBar , Podcasts list will be refreshed.
- Select Country
- the country of Podcasts is set on the hamburger menu,"Country".
- Select Genres
- the genres of Podcasts is set on the hamburger menu, "Podcasts Genres".
- Direct input of Podcast feed
- You can input direct the url of the Podcast feed to the textbox by tapping button "Direct url input" on AppBar.
All in Genre Screen
- Navigate to Channel Play screen
- If you tap the tile of the each podcast , navigate to Channel Play screen.
Favorites Play Screen
Channel Play Screen
- Play Items
- Tap play button on the item or select the item by tapping,it will be played.
- Also item playing is possible by double-tapping.
- After playing the item, the following items will automatically play except for the items already listening.
- If you press and hold the Item, you can mark Item as "Listened" or "not-Listened".
- Change Items Order
- You can change Items Order by dragging the each Item.
- Changing the order of items is also possible by tapping a button on bottom AppBar.
- Save item content
- Press and hold the Item, If you select "Save Item content" that appears, you can save the content of item as the file.
- Refresh Items(only Favorites Play Screen)
- If you tap the "Refresh" button on top AppBar , Items of registered Channels are downloaded.
- Auto pause
- If you switched toggle swtich on hamberger menu to "Auto pause ON", After a certain period of time, playing will pause automatically.
- Auto pause period time is set on the hamberger menu, "Auto pause timespan (min)".
- Delete Channel(only Favorites Play Screen)
- Press and hold the Channel, and do the "Delete".
- Favorites registration(only Channel Play Screen)
- If you tap the "Add to Favorites" button on bottom AppBar , Channel in podcast will be registered to Favorites.