
. Free Windows10 store application. Latest version : V4.0.0.0

. PodR is Podcasts receiver and player.


. Please go to "Windows Store"

How to use

Main Screen

  1. Favorites
    • If you tap the tile on Favorites area , navigate to Favorites Play screen.
    • The Favorites registration is possible on Channel Play screen.
    • If you want to delete channel from the Favorites, Press and hold the tile, and do the "Delete".
  2. Each Genre
    • If you tap the tile on each genre area , navigate to Channel Play screen.
    • If you tap the title of each genre area , navigate to All in Genre screen.
  3. Refresh
    • If you tap the "Refresh" button on top AppBar , Podcasts list will be refreshed.
  4. Select Country
    • the country of Podcasts is set on the hamburger menu,"Country".
  5. Select Genres
    • the genres of Podcasts is set on the hamburger menu, "Podcasts Genres".
  6. Direct input of Podcast feed
    • You can input direct the url of the Podcast feed to the textbox by tapping button "Direct url input" on AppBar.

All in Genre Screen

  1. Navigate to Channel Play screen
    • If you tap the tile of the each podcast , navigate to Channel Play screen.

Favorites Play Screen
Channel Play Screen

  1. Play Items
    • Tap play button on the item or select the item by tapping,it will be played.
    • Also item playing is possible by double-tapping.
    • After playing the item, the following items will automatically play except for the items already listening.
    • If you press and hold the Item, you can mark Item as "Listened" or "not-Listened".
  2. Change Items Order
    • You can change Items Order by dragging the each Item.
    • Changing the order of items is also possible by tapping a button on bottom AppBar.
  3. Save item content
    • Press and hold the Item, If you select "Save Item content" that appears, you can save the content of item as the file.
  4. Refresh Items(only Favorites Play Screen)
    • If you tap the "Refresh" button on top AppBar , Items of registered Channels are downloaded.
  5. Auto pause
    • If you switched toggle swtich on hamberger menu to "Auto pause ON", After a certain period of time, playing will pause automatically.
    • Auto pause period time is set on the hamberger menu, "Auto pause timespan (min)".
  6. Delete Channel(only Favorites Play Screen)
    • Press and hold the Channel, and do the "Delete".
  7. Favorites registration(only Channel Play Screen)
    • If you tap the "Add to Favorites" button on bottom AppBar , Channel in podcast will be registered to Favorites.